Carbon 60 Research

Researchers have been exploring the properties of carbon 60 fullerene “buckyballs” for decades, and in the process have uncovered some amazing and unexpected effects of this tiny nano-molecule, especially in the biotechnology and biomedical spaces.

Here’s some fascinating research into carbon 60:


Carbon 60 in olive oil nearly doubles the lifespan of rats

Rats Live Longer with Carbon 60In 2012, a group of researchers wanted to measure how toxic carbon 60 fullerene molecules were, and fed it to laboratory rats, dissolved in olive oil.

To their surprise, instead of causing illness or early death, the rats fed carbon 60 actually lived longer than the controls, who were fed either olive oil on its own or water.

The olive-oil-only rats lived, on average 18% longer than the control (water-only) rats, while the c60 treated rats lived 90% longer on average.

Not only did the researchers establish that Carbon 60 was not toxic, they found that it protected the body from damage, and significantly extended their lifespan.

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The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral administration of [60]fullerene by Tarek Baati et al; Biomaterials, Volume 33, Issue 19, June 2012, Pages 4936-4946


Does Carbon 60 increase the growth rate of cancer?

Cancer Cell Growth Increased By Degraded Carbon 60Initial research with C60 showed that it reduced the growth rate of tumors.

However subsequent research indicated that carbon 60 in olive oil increased the growth rate of tumors.

Further investigation revealed that this was because C60 is light-sensitive, and when it’s exposed to light, it degrades into molecules that appear to be toxic and increase tumor growth.

This means that correct preparation and storage of carbon 60, avoiding exposure to light, is essential to ensure that its beneficial effects remain.

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Comp grad leads research by Weyburn Review, May 25, 2016


Carbon 60 improves memory and learning in rats

Nerve Cells Strengthen by Carbon 60

Researchers found that feeding low levels of fullerene C60 to rats increased the strength of connections between nerves in the brain.

It also improved their spatial memory, and showed the ability to support learning through its effects on nerve signalling.

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The role of low levels of fullerene C60 nanocrystals on enhanced learning and memory of rats through persistent CaMKII activation by Chen et al; Biomaterials. 2014 Nov;35(34):9269-79. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.07.030. Epub 2014 Aug 14.


Carbon 60 protects against the effects of Alzheimer’s

Senior Citizen - Carbon 60 Protects Against Alzheimer's EffectsResearchers used a model of Alzheimer’s in rats, and injecting them with various substances known to increase the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

They found that pretreating rats with carbon 60 reduced or eliminated the effects of these chemicals.

In other words, carbon 60 was protecting the nerves in the brain from further disruption.

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Neuroprotective effects of hydrated fullerene C60: cortical and hippocampal EEG interplay in an amyloid-infused rat model of Alzheimer’s disease by Vorobyov et al; J Alzheimers Dis. 2015;45(1):217-33. doi: 10.3233/JAD-142469.


Adding Carbon 60 to cosmetics improves anti-aging effects

Carbon 60 Makes Anti-Wrinkle Cream More EffectiveCarbon 60 was added to an anti-wrinkle cream, and tested for effects on skin roughness, visible lines and skin moisture.

After 8 weeks of daily use, the moisture in the skin was significantly improved, compared to the controls.

In addition, wrinkle formation slowed, suggesting that Carbon 60 may help to protect skin from the effects of aging.

Clinical evaluation of fullerene-C60 dissolved in squalane for anti-wrinkle cosmetics by Kato et al; J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2010 Oct;10(10):6769-74.


Light-activated fullerene C60 increases leukemia cell death

Photo-activated C60 fullerene kills leukemia cellsFullerene C60 was treated with light and added to leukemia cells.

It was found that the rate of death of the cancer cells was increased.

The researchers suggested that the C60 fullerene was having its effect in at least two different ways.

Firstly it appeared to inhibit an enzyme known as PTK that normally is too active in cancer cells.

And secondly it appeared to weaken the membrane around the mitochondria inside the cells, which are required by cancer cells to generate energy to survive.

Read a more detailed analysis of this research here:
Light-activated fullerene C60 increases the death rate of leukemia cells

Or read the full article here:
Fullerene C60 Penetration into Leukemic Cells and Its Photoinduced Cytotoxic Effects by D. Franskevych, et al; Nanoscale Res Lett, Volume 12, 13 Jan 2017, Page 40


Carbon 60 fullerenes reduce allergic reactions

Carbon 60 fullerene reduces allergic reactionsResearchers examined the effects of Carbon 60 fullerene on the chemical reactions in the body that regulate allergic responses.

They concluded that Carbon 60 fullerenes could be a new way to control allergic responses in the human body

This has implications for diseases including asthma, inflammatory arthritis, skin allergies, hay fever, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.

Read a more detailed analysis of this research here:
Carbon 60 fullerenes reduce allergic reactions

Or read the full article here:
Fullerene nanomaterials inhibit the allergic response. by Ryan JJ1, Bateman HR, Stover A, Gomez G, Norton SK, Zhao W, Schwartz LB, Lenk R, Kepley CL., J Immunol. 2007 Jul 1;179(1):665-72.


Carbon 60 increases muscle endurance and speed of recovery

Carbon 60 Reduces Muscle FatigueThe symptoms of muscular fatigue include temporary muscle weakness and painful sensations, which can also lead to long-term health issues.

Researchers tested the ability of Carbon 60 to reduce the effects of muscle fatigue, by injecting it into the calf muscles of male rats, and found some key changes in muscle performance.

The researchers concluded that the use of Carbon 60 leads to an increase in muscle endurance and a reduction in recovery time.

Read a more detailed analysis of this research here:
Carbon 60 increases muscle endurance and speed of recovery

Or read the full article here:
C60 fullerene as promising therapeutic agent for correcting and preventing skeletal muscle fatigue by Prylutskyy et al, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2017, 15:8.


More information on Carbon 60 fullerene

Want to know more about Carbon 60?

Learn what carbon 60 is, where it comes from and why it’s so interesting.